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The Wealthy Thinking Ezine

(A monthly motivational commentary dedicated to seeing 

God's people enjoy the wealth for which they were created.) 

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BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! When you subscribe to Wealthy Thinking you will also get a  FREE Wealth Article, "Let There Be Prosperity for All!" AND a FREE P.I.E.S.  Chart to help you organize your goals.   

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I trust you will enjoy this monthly update for Wealthy Thinkers only!

Description: The Wealthy Thinking Ezine - A Monthly Motivational-Wealth Commentary For Wealthy Thinkers ONLY!

This newsletter has a “different spin” on wealthy living. It’s a monthly Christian motivational commentary dedicated to seeing God’s people enjoy the wealth for which they were created. Modeled after my book, God Wants You To Be Wealthy" this ezine sets the stage for Wealthy Thinking & Living. I have especially designed this publication to promote a wealth consciousness for individuals, communities, and nations.  

Thanks For Subscribing. 

Want to know more about the book, 

God Wants You To Be Wealthy? 

Click HERE to for the whole scoop!
Dr. Kenneth Hammonds, M.Div. Ed.D.
Success Coach-Provocateur

For more information contact: Dr. Kenneth Hammonds E-mail: 

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