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"I so much appreciate the investment that you have made in my life. Your support during my entire post graduate education really did help me to “stay sane while studying psychology.

I was also honored to be a small part of the beginnings of your coaching ministry. It was an amazing time in my life when so many of my goals were coming to fruition, and your coaching was vital to helping me to stay focused, confident, and to containing the anxiety that could have easily unraveled me. "

- Dr. Cindy Scott, Psychologist, Hirsch Psychological Services

"I have really enjoyed my time being coached by you Dr. Hammonds and I would recommend Christian coaching to a friend. I feel I have made a wise investment in myself. I also got what I wanted which was the renewing of my mind (Romans 12:2).God is a good God all the time. God wants my life to be a success and not a Mess!!"

- Georgene Richardson


First, Two Coaching Truths

  • Studies have shown that personal, professional, and organizational goals can be reached more quickly and easily with the help of a professional coach.
  • Successful people know that sometimes the view from an outside professional source is necessary and invaluable.

“ Nothing happens without Personal Transformation.”

So says Dr. W. Edwards Deming, the father and expert of modern quality control management for businesses. Called by some the Mozart of Quality Control, Dr. Deming’s philosophy and values of quality management and business practices can be applied to personal transformation and an improved quality of life for everyone.

In order to see rapid, massive, and sustained progress in your life and success in your business or professional life there must be personal transformation and a coach to get you there.

Personal Coaching

The Scriptures and Coaching

In the Scriptures all believers are expected to “encourage one another daily” (Hebrews 3:13, New International Version). As an added benefit for the Body, many in the Scriptures were “gifted” to encourage. True biblical encouragement means to motivate in the power of the Holy Spirit through prayer, Scriptures, and spiritual insight. In modern day terms the word "encourage" would be equivalent to the term “coaching”. Indeed, God has given us coaches.

Today, a rising new profession has come upon the world seen, both in business and in personal development – Coaching. A professional coach assists an individual to reach the goals that the client desires. These personal or professional goals can be reached more quickly and easily with the help of a professionally trained coach.

Christians Need Coaching

Christians too need coaching. And there is a new move of the Spirit in which Christian coaches assist Christians in their life’s walk. I am a Christian coach. I am called to what I have termed the “Success Ministry”. In this success ministry I assist people to discover and reach their God-given potential in Christ. I don’t merely help Christians to reach “their own goals”, I assist Christians to discover and reach those God-goals and dreams in their lives. (God-goals are God-given, God-driven, and God-glorifying goals.)

As a Christian coach I seek to partner with you and God to assist in your development in every area of life for the glory of God and benefit of others. Through prayer, the Scriptures, and training in the application of the more than 90 coaching skills, and with the aid of several personal assessment tests you will see the change and so will others.

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Kenneth Hammonds: 4 Areas of Coaching Banner

Professional Coaching Certification and Training

    • A Certified Professional Coach
    • Graduate of Coach University (The premier personal coach training system in the world) 
    • A Member of the ICF (International Coaching Federation).
    • Member of the Black Professional Coaches Alliance
    • Board Member Christian Coaches Network
    • A Knowledge Base of over 90 Effective Coaching Skills
    • Over 20 Personal and Management Assessments
    • A Certified Personality Profile Consultant
    • A Certified Toleration Specialist

Business coaching for solo-entrepreneurs and Small Businesses

This business coaching is for both those starting a business and those who wish to take their business to the next level of effectiveness and proficiency.
Through his business company, Small Business Empowerment, Plus (SBEP), Dr. Hammonds offers coaching activities for businesses and business owners. The coaching mission of Dr. Hammonds is to empower solopreneurs, small businesses, and small business owners personally and professionally to reach their best with the limited tools and resources. He also assists solo-business owners and small businesses in clarifying and reaching their mission as they provide services to their clients.  Small business owners and solo-business entrepreneurs especially appreciate Dr. Hammonds’ expertise in driving the individual to think upon the core aspect of both their business and personal lives as the key to business prosperity.

My Passion is seeing people and organizations developing, growing and reaching into new areas of their potential. I am gifted in bringing to organizations human understanding and the joy of life and assisting people in achieving their personal and professional goals. I empower people to reach their Best.

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New Business Start-up Program

New Business Start-up Program

This is a powerful starting Coaching program for individuals with a desire to start their own solo or small business. Starting a business is a very challenging task. Reading books and taking classes is only the beginning and certainly do guarantee of success. But, with a personal coach to guide, prod, and to act as a sounding board starting that dream business and calling is a possible dream. With the assistance of a personal and business coach individuals are able to make progress three to five times faster that without the expertise of a professional coach.

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Group Coaching

Individualized coaching in a group setting. Theses sessions can be by teleconference or in person. The benefits of this coaching is the group interaction and groups dynamic that help the individual so see things from various perspectives as the group personally or/and professionally.

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Church Staff Coaching

Providing coaching for staffs both paid and volunteer. Dr. Hammonds can provide personal coaching for managers and executives or group coaching for managers, executives and employees. Also providing coaching for managers for executive leadership and the coaching of employees toward excellence.

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Coaching for Pastors

Coaching for Senior Pastors and Ministry Leaders

Dr. Hammonds also provides personal coaching for senior pastors, pastoral staff to help them clarify the Vision or implement the vision. Dr. Hammonds excels in assisting pastor to bring out the best in church volunteers and staff and maximizing pastor time (both personal and professional) to be the most effective for ministry. Dr. Hammonds has also coach Bishops in developing and improving ministry effectiveness personally and in their jurisdictional responsibilities.

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Coaching Assessments
  • Executive and Staff Personality Profile (Dr. Hammonds is a Certified Personality Profile Consultant.)
  • Staff Excellence Program (A program for church paid staff managers and executives seeking to improve their managerial and personal skills.)
  • EQ Assessment (Emotional Quotient)

EQ – Emotional Quotient is the ability to deal with and control feelings and impulses.

  • Giving Your Life a Clean Sweep Program (A personal life balance tool that assesses your life in four areas.)
  • New Business Start-up Program
  • Staff Excellence Program
  • Dr. Hammonds is a Certified DISC Personality Profile Consultant and distributor.
  • Over 20 Coaching Assessments for Personal and Staff Evaluation

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There is also availability for individuals and staffs to move themselves forward with the Teleconference coaching. Through this system individuals can interact and grow and never leave the comfort of their own homes. It is the idea way to get coaching at a reduced price and at the same time get support of group interaction and feedback.

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Dr. Kenneth Hammonds, Spiritual Empowerment, Plus
P.O. Box 2853 Inglewood, CA 90305-0853

Coaching Phone: 323-753-1366; FAX: 323-753-1303
God Wants Your Life to be a Success...Not a Mess!