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Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night,
so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Joshua 1:8 (New International Version)

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This page will be continually developing and updated. I hope to have probably at some point about twenty categories of my favorite Websites. At present, I have listed four exciting categories. 

Try some of them. I think you'll like what you find. See the list of all categories of sites below. The 40 sites are listed below in alphabetical order.

NOTE: As you may already know Web sites are subject to change address or even disappear without notice. If this happens to any of the sites listed below please kindly drop me a Fast E-Mail to KH at KH@KenHammonds.com.

Africa, African American Resources

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A Room Full of Sisters (Artist Unknown)

The African National Congress (ANC)  Write to President Mandela, members of Parliament and other ANC leaders.

Africa Online These series of "Africa Online" sites are a great array of the continent highlighting fifteen African countries. 

The Christian Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt  The Coptic Christian Church in Egypt has a very rich history. Read about some of this exciting history at this site. There are some VERY interesting pictures here of Biblical characters with color by the Christian Church of Egypt. The Picture Archive has been discontinued.  I'm not sure for how long, but click to see if it is now working. Click here for the Coptic Network Picture Archive site. When you get to this page look for the picture of St Moses the Black (certainly NOT acceptable to mainstream Euro-Thinking) in the 6th area down the page entitled, Angels, Saints, and Martyrs.  And check out an interestingly "dark brown" picture of the Lord Jesus Christ called, Christ the Savior. It the first icon link on the page. There is also a very brown looking Athanaius, the great Church Father and defender of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, also under the Angels, Saints, and Martyrs category. Even if you disagree it's interesting to think about.

MelaNet Quite an interesting array of great information at this "The UnCut Black Experience". The site also terms itself, "The platform for intellectual, economic and spiritual expression of peoples throughout the African Diaspora." Be sure to check out the MelaNet Market Place.

The Universal Black Pages   It's under construction and the links have not been updated since 1999, but many links are still good.

Christian Resources

Bishop T. D. Jakes

The Black Gospel Music Clef  A Black Gospel music market place. There are some great links covering the whole Gospel Music industry: record companies, producers and much more.

Catholic Resources on the Net

CBN, Christian Broadcasting Network) This is of course the well known Christian Network of Pat Robertson. Here also is the link to the 700 Club.

Christian Classics Ethereal Library

Focus on the Family

Goshen (Named changed to "Crosswalk.com")   Well, this may be the BEST Christian Resources site of its kind. It includes Bible translations and Bible search programs and a lot of information.

Jack Van Impe Ministries (The Bible Prophecy Portal of the Internet) as Van Impe calls it. For those of you who love to follow significant events daily there is a Daily News Update section.

John Avanzini  A Christian Financial Counselor. He also has some great resources for sale regarding finances and the Christian.

The Vatican Exhibit

Oral Roberts University

The Shroud of Turin Page  See the famous and perhaps THE greatest historical piece in Christianity, the Shroud of Turin. This linen cloth is claimed by many Christians to be the actual burial linen cloth of Jesus Christ. See the evidence and judge for yourself.

TBN, Trinity Broadcast Network This the home of the well known Christian Network of Paul and Jan Crouch. It has the best links to Christian Pentecostal/Charismatic that I've seen.

Education Resources For Educators

California Department of Education Well, of course I'm going to list my State, but you can search for your State's site too at Yahoo.

The Franklin Institute Science Museum

Learners Online  The BEST site for teachers needing help preparing lessons for teaching students online.

Lesson Plans and Resources for Social Studies Teachers

National Education Association (NEA)

NIE Online (Newspapers In Education) (By the Detroit News)

U.S. Department of Education

Yahoo! Directory - K-12 Resources  You'll find just about everything here to help teachers and parents. Over 100 links.

Miscellaneous Interesting Sites

Earth Viewer  Quite a unique page. It shows world weather and time. It will even show a graphical view of your place on earth from the view of the moon or the sun. Or you can see a map of which part of the earth is dark and which is sunlight in real time.

Gallop Organization   All kinds of poll great information and facts from the Gallop Poll. If you like saying, "Studies show that 72% of the American people believe in ________________ ", then this sight is for you! You can even subscribe to a newsletter.

Gutenberg Project   A very noble project of placing classic books online.

Investor's Business Daily My FAVORITE financial newspaper. Here is the online version. Even if you are not too financially literate you probably will appreciate much of this newspaper. If you are a follower of great personalities you will love the "Leaders & Success" section of the paper.

MapQuest Can you believe what they are doing now on the Net? I use this site whenever I need to go out of town (or even to a part of town I've never been in). It will direct you to the place. Just put in the place FROM and the place TO and it will draw a map of how to get there. AND it will write out directions for you. Our whole family uses this quite a bit. However, I use it the most since I get lost the most! Note: You do not have to register to use the service.

Miss USA (Miss Universe and Miss Teen USA)

National Address Services Trying to keep up with the zip codes? Well, here is a site where you can type in the address and the zip code will come back to you. Or put in a zip code and get back the cities of that zip code. The site should be a Bookmark on your computer.

Rent.Net On-line Apartment Guide

USA Today Weather  A site I use quite frequently. I especially use it before going out of town for a speaking engagement or a vacation trip with my wife or with the family. It gives you a 5 day forecast. It's Great!

Who where  Find anyone who has an email address or any business in the country. Whowhere has become a great resource on the Net.

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