"Design a New Life for the New Millennium with Dr. Ken, Success Coach".

Dr. Kenneth Hammonds, Personal Success & Leadership Coach

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Think BIG. God does.

Dr. Kenneth Hammonds, Success Coach, Coaching Links

KenHammonds.com - Home Page


What do YOU want in life?

Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes)  Abundance?
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes)  A better job?
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes)  A new direction?
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes)  A sounding board for those great God-inspired ideas?
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes)   To stop procrastinating about what God has called you to do?
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes)  To be a top producing sales person in the company?
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes)  To develop better personal skills?
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes)  To maximize your under-utilized talents and gifts?
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes)  To stop tolerating those "little things" sapping your energy and peace of mind?
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes)  So much to do, can't find any time for YOU?

Well, you can have it! YES, this and much more. > > >

Hi, I am Dr. Ken, a Professional Christian Coach, "Custom Designing Personal Success for You". I want to be "Your personal success coach for the new millennium". You’ll need a new Metanoia (pronounced - met-tah-NOI-ah) for a new Millennium. (Metanoia = Greek for a RADICAL CHANGE IN THINKING, A SHIFT IN ATTITUDE) Get your metanoia for the new millennium with a coach who will help you achieve your goals and dreams.

That's why I'm giving a new name and a new attitude to my coaching company. It is called Metanoia Coaching and Training Systems. As the Christian Coach I help Christians live balanced lives and achieve God-given personal goals more quickly and with less effort. Through our coaching systems, we help you design personalized plans for personal, career, or Christian ministry success.

The Purpose of Metanoia Coaching & Training Systems: To transform thinking & behavior for maximizing better relationships, leadership success, and profitability in the workplace and in life."

As the Executive Coach for Christian Leaders I empower leaders to clarify and achieve organizational goals; develop and write personal and organizational Mission Statements; and develop executives into better leaders who motivate staff and volunteers.

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The ministry Mission and Calling of Dr. Kenneth Hammonds is to help bring out the best in people and to organize individuals, families, and organizations for success. Metanoia Coaching is "Transforming Thinking & Behavior for Leadership Success in Personal and Organizational Life." I have an exciting comprehensive leadership development plan. You can see more details at Perfecting Leadership Success Program (PLP). This program includes Seven Components that empower and perfect Christian leaders.

God’s Call to me years ago was, "Help organize my people for Success." is being further expanded through Christian Coaching. Indeed, I am helping to pioneer this new and exciting ministry called Personal Coaching for Christians in Evangelical circles .

I'll help you with the ABCD's of Life:

Achieving Goals
Balancing the Demands of Life (including Self-Care and Time Utilization)
Career & Personal Life Transitions
Dreams - start bringing them to pass - your great business idea, your ministry, your new body, etc.

The personal coaching profession has taken the world by storm, and in these modern times God has also raised up coaches for Christians. The best athletes have coaches; the best dancers and entertainers have coaches; the best musicians have coaches; and the best businesses and corporations have coaches - Well, why not you?

You have a Dream! > Get a Coach! > Make it Happen!

A coach is an expert in people and performance. Coaching helps people to reach goals and grow personally and professionally. Christian coaches partner with you and God to assist you in your personal progress for a life of fulfillment to the glory of God and the benefit of others. I will partner with you in doing God’s Will and accomplishing God’s Goals.

Do you qualify as a candidate for coaching? I’m only looking for highly motivated people who absolutely want to start and complete some of the important goals in their lives.

Could you use a Good Coach right now?

Contact Me for a FREE Coaching Session.

Below is more information.  You can also find more information at this site just click AboutKH

Dr. Kenneth Hammonds, Professional Coach

Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes) Graduate of Coach University (The largest, most intensive
     personal coaching program in the world.)
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes) Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes) Board Member of the Christian Coaches Network (CCN)
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes) Certified Personality Profile Consultant
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes) Certified Tolerations Specialist
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes) Knowledge Base of Over 100 Coaching Skills
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes) Ordained Minister, Church of God in Christ
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes) 30 + Years in Christian Ministry
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes) Founder of The School of Success (SOS)
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes) Developer of a Distinctly Christian Success System
     called the 12 Core Disciplines of Truly Successful People
Dia_smal.gif (970 bytes) Education - BA, M.Div. (Biblical Literature)
     Ed.D. (Educational Administration)

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For more information contact:

Dr. Kenneth Hammonds, Success Coach, P.O. Box 2853 Inglewood, CA 90305-0853 Coaching Phone: 323-753-1366; FAX: 323-753-1303 E-mail: KH@KenHammonds.com 

If you are serious about achieving the important goals in your life with less stress; If you are serious about balancing your life or even getting a life, contact me regarding Personal Success Coaching. Call or write today regarding your "coachability" and for information about a FREE Coaching Session.

KenHammonds.com - Home Page

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