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Coaching Quote: "Christians need a coach (a Christian coach) so they can excel in doing God’s Will and accomplishing God’s goals for them here on earth. In the Body of Christ there are those with professional training, the background and experienced maturity who are called and gifted to encourage – coach." - KH

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Dr. Kenneth Hammonds is helping to pioneer this exciting new move of the Spirit called "Christian Coaching" in Pentecostal/Charismatic ministries. The Coaching Ministry is one of Christian accountability, goal achievement, and life balancing. Christians really CAN achieve God’s goals and STILL balance their lives.

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          wib244.jpg (446 bytes)  What is coaching?

Coaching is a client-coach relationship that empowers individuals, groups, and organizations with more effective tools and extraordinary results. A personal coach empowers individuals to reach goals and grow personally and professionally. The coaching process and skills form a unique powerful human performance technology.

          wib244.jpg (446 bytes)  What is Christian coaching?

Christian coaching partners with you and God to assist you in your personal progress for a life of fulfillment to the glory of God and the benefit of others.

          wib244.jpg (446 bytes)  Christians need a coach.

A Christian coach will partner with you to excel in doing God’s Will and accomplishing God-goals.

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Why do Christians need a coach? In a Word - "Encouragement"

wib244.jpg (446 bytes)  Christians need a coach (professional Christian coach) so they can excel in doing God’s Will and achieving God’s goals for them on earth. Just like Olympic athletes utilize coaches to support them and to guide them toward Success - the Gold. Goal oriented Christians have encouragers – coaches to help them to their goal.

wib244.jpg (446 bytes)  In the Scriptures all believers are expected to "encourage one another daily" (Hebrews 3:13, NIV). In modern terms the word "encourage" would be equivalent to the term "coaching". In the Body of Christ today there are those with the background, experienced maturity, and training who are called and gifted to encourage – coach.

 What does a Christian coach do? - In a Word - I’m a "Designer".

wib244.jpg (446 bytes)  As a Christian coach, I will help you design your life into the beautiful tapestry that God created it to be. I believe a Christian coach should be a Life-Designer, a co-designer of your life with you and God. Today there is a rising new profession called "coaching" coming upon the world scene in business, personal development, and now in the Christian world.

wib244.jpg (446 bytes)  As a Christian coach, I partner with you and God. I assist in your personal progress for a life of fulfillment to the glory of God and the benefit of others. I also include prayer, the Scriptures, and spiritual insight.

wib244.jpg (446 bytes)  Because I am a Christian coach I don’t merely help Christians to reach "their own goals" I assist them to discover and reach those God-goals and dreams in their lives.

wib244.jpg (446 bytes)  A Christian coach will "stir up the gift of God in you". Not just excitement alone, but a continuous individually designed plan of achievement.

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The Coaching Ministry like any other Christian ministry exists to glorify God and the Lord Jesus Christ and to serve the people of God. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Christian coaches seek to empower Christians to live, serve the Lord, and grow so that they might be more effective in service and in life.

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  There are several good humanistic approaches to coaching. But it is certainly more gratifying and praise worthy for a Christian or Christian ministry to have a Faith-Based Approach to coaching. Encouraging and empowering ministers and leaders for more effective ministry, for personal progress, and for goal accomplishment is an area that a Christian coach understands.

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 Coaching is NOT therapy.

Your coach is not your counselor, but your partner in achieving the goals you set.

Coaching is not consulting.

Coaching centers on personal goals and the broader client relationship rather than the more narrow focus of a consultant.

There are, of course, similar elements between coaching, consulting and counseling, BUT for a coach the emphasis in NOT on the past, but on how to set goals and move forward from where you are to where your are called to be.

Also, a coach is not coming in as the expert with THE answers and then leaving you. A coach is there WITH you in the struggle to achieve. Indeed, the coach's presence even removes much of the struggle and turns changing your life in a joy and fulfillment. The coach doesn't necessarily give THE answers, but helps you to develop the answer that YOU need to accomplish your desires.

The partnership with a coach is almost magical.

Indeed, at its core   - SPIRITUAL.

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Why do organizations hire a coach?

There are 7 broad reasons (and many others) an organization or business utilizes a coach:

To train managers and supervisors in coaching skills for better management of staff
To develop skills - particularly people skills and other job skills necessary for success
To increase the level of performance in the current job
For career development for a future promotion
For any specific agenda item of the organization
To assist executive managers in increasing productivity and balancing life
To refocus the organization upon Mission and Purpose

So if you are seeking to utilize THE resource within your organization and you want to maximize your people and profit potential, consider utilizing a coach for management leadership or even assisting in the CEO's focus and life balancing for more effective living.

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Dr. Kenneth Hammonds, Success Coach, Coaching Links

KenHammonds.com - Home Page

My Calling to Transformational Coaching My Coaching Presentations & Techniques
The Scriptures & Coaching Applications Perfecting Leadership Success Program
How does coaching work and what does it cost? ( 5 Avenues for KH's Coaching ) More About Christian Coaching for Individuals and Organizations ( Ministries and Churches )


For more information contact:

Dr. Kenneth Hammonds, Success Coach, P.O. Box 2853 Inglewood, CA 90305-0853 Coaching Phone: 323-753-1366; FAX: 323-753-1303 E-mail: KH@KenHammonds.com 

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