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Coaching Quote: "Christian coaching partners with you and God to assist you in your personal progress for a life of fulfillment to the glory of God and the benefit of others." - KH

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A Summary and Diagram

Transformation: a change in character or condition; a major change in form, nature, or function.

I call my approach to coaching Transformational Coaching. My greatest joy is seeing people grow and move forward by radically shifting their mindset. I love seeing people succeed in fulfilling God best in their lives. Transformational Coaching is the process by which I encourage, counsel, coach and teach. Below, I merely lay out a sketch of my approach. I trust you can apply these principles in your life.

My Calling

"Kenneth, help organize my people for success!" - The Message to KH

The Lord’s command to me years ago was simple and direct. I have adjusted my ministry and my life from this one life transforming injunction. This IS the sum of my ministry.

The Transformational Process

(Three Greek Words - metanoia, praxis, zoe)

In the Transformational Coaching Process the client develops new thinking (metanoia) which looks for new possibilities and new choices. This results in new behaviors and practices (praxis) which develop new skills. From transformed thinking and new practices springs forth new life (zoe) > Life Transformation Romans 12:2.

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Steps in the Transformational Coaching Process

Personal Assessment
Mindset Shift (Metanoia)
Discover Practical Principles
Custom Designed Plan
Focus on Action (Praxis)

By helping people to identify and utilize God’s gifts given to them, I help maximize an individual’s personal best - by assessing a person’s gifts, developing the spiritual mindset, presenting practical disciplines, designing a personal plan for success, and then focusing individuals on practical action that will help them experience abundance. For me Christian coaching is more than an occupation; It’s a Calling.

A Personal Note to Each Individual in the Body of Christ:

I agree with the modern business quality expert Dr. W. Edwards Deming that, "Nothing happens without personal transformation." Are you seeking encouragement and focus as you pursue your goals in life? Could you use some transformational thinking and growth in your career or personal life?

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Let the Lord through Transformational Coaching technology guide and empower you as you serve Him. Be ye transformed PPP and fully live and embrace your destiny with joy.

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Dr. Ken, Success Coach, Coaching Links

KenHammonds.com - Home Page

My Calling to Transformational Coaching My Coaching Presentations & Techniques
The Scriptures & Coaching Applications Perfecting Leadership Success Program
How does coaching work and what does it cost? ( 5 Avenues for KH's Coaching ) More About Christian Coaching for Individuals and Organizations ( Ministries and Churches )

For more information contact:

Dr. Kenneth Hammonds, Success Coach, P.O. Box 2853 Inglewood, CA 90305-0853 Coaching Phone: 323-753-1366; FAX: 323-753-1303 E-mail: KH@KenHammonds.com

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