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Coaching Quote: "I can greatly impact your leadership staff in 90 days. In 6-9 months I’ll empower your leaders and organization to be stronger and more focused in every major area of corporate or personal life."

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The Perfecting Leadership Success Program for Christian Ministries

"A Comprehensive Seven Part Transforming Leadership Development Program"

(Developed by Dr. Kenneth Hammonds, Leadership Success Coach)

Program Aim: "Transforming and Perfecting Thinking & Behavior for Leadership Success in Personal and Organizational Life"

Program Structure & Benefits:

In this comprehensive leadership program called, Perfecting Leadership Success Program (PLP). Christian leaders are shown how to live "life to the full" (John 10:10) in the Life Quadrant ä (I. Self, II. People, III. Time, IV. Work/Career).

The Seven Components of the Leadership Success Program are founded upon the Life Quadrant and 12 Core Disciplines of Truly Successful People) . (The 12 CD is a Christian Success System developed by Dr. Kenneth Hammonds.) The Seven Components represent an integrated system that empowers and perfects Christian leaders personally and in their development as leaders working through people. By balancing the Life Quadrant leaders can develop every area of life and thereby become more effective in ministry.

Through various personal assessments, group projects, and leadership coaching with the integration of Biblical concepts, the PLP allows the natural gifts and style of the leader to be shaped into an holistic force for an empowered life of self leadership and ministry leadership. Indeed, it produces a life leadership, affecting relationships in family life, social life, church ministry life, and professional life.

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"Fully Living in the Quadrant" therefore helps the leader to balance his/her development in every major area of life:

Q I - Self Leadership (Self Mastery)

Q II - People Leadership (Influencing Others)

Q III - Time Leadership (Setting Goals and Utilizing Time Wisely)

Q IV - Career Leadership (Empowering Work Behaviors that Get Results)

The Perfecting Leadership Success Program is built upon Seven Foundational Concepts which result in empowerment and balanced living for the whole person.

arrows444.jpg (489 bytes)   Self Mastery
arrows444.jpg (489 bytes)   People Skills
arrows444.jpg (489 bytes)   Leadership Style Enhancement
arrows444.jpg (489 bytes)   Time Utilization Skills
arrows444.jpg (489 bytes)   Christian Leadership Distinctives
arrows444.jpg (489 bytes)   Vision Development
arrows444.jpg (489 bytes)   Maximized Living in the Life Quadrant

 Below are the PLP Elements:


wib23.gif (1054 bytes) Life Quadrant I - Perfecting Personal Skills - Attitude, Gifts, Mission/Vision (Personal)

Component 1 - Personal Leadership: The Beginning (Self -Mastery and Personal Mission) (Self Development in 5 Dimensions - Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Spiritual, Environmental)

wib23.gif (1054 bytes)  Life Quadrant II - Perfecting People Skills - Caring (loving) [Love in Ministry], Communication/Listening, Bringing Out the Best in Others

Component 2 - Understanding and Motivating People

Component 3 - Understanding and Enhancing Your Leadership Style

wib23.gif (1054 bytes)  Life Quadrant III - Perfecting Time Utilization Skills (Time Management) - Planning, Goal Setting, Dreaming [Dreaming in Ministry]

Component 4 - Leadership and Time Management

wib23.gif (1054 bytes)  Life Quadrant IV - Perfecting Professional Skills - Excellence, Productivity, Leadership, Vision (Personal & Corporate) The important area of Leadership and Money is covered in the general discussion of Quadrant IV under Productivity. (A leader’s relationship and attitude toward money (more generally wealth) - producing, spending, investing, and sharing.)

Component 5 - Basic Principles of Christian Leadership

Component 6 - Visionary Leadership

wib23.gif (1054 bytes)  CONCLUSION - THE WHOLE QUADRANT

Component 7 - Putting It All Together - The Leader’s Full Development - To the MAX (Fully Living in the Quadrant)

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Using the 12 CD Key Words as a framework

for maximized living in the Life Quadrant.

sm4.gif (906 bytes)  CD1 - MOTIVATION sm4.gif (906 bytes)   CD7 - ORGANIZATION
sm4.gif (906 bytes)  CD2 - INNOVATION sm4.gif (906 bytes)  CD8 - ACCOMPLISHMENT
sm4.gif (906 bytes)  CD3 - MISSION/VISION sm4.gif (906 bytes)  CD9 - FORECAST THE FUTURE
sm4.gif (906 bytes)  CD4 - ACCEPTANCE sm4.gif (906 bytes)  CD10 - SPIRIT
sm4.gif (906 bytes)  CD5 - DIGNITY & RESPECT sm4.gif (906 bytes)  CD11 - PRODUCTIVITY
sm4.gif (906 bytes)  CD6 - NURTURE GROWTH sm4.gif (906 bytes)   CD12 - CUTTING EDGE

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Dr. Kenneth Hammonds, Success Coach, Coaching Links

KenHammonds.com - Home Page

My Calling to Transformational Coaching My Coaching Presentations & Techniques
The Scriptures & Coaching Applications Perfecting Leadership Success Program
How does coaching work and what does it cost? ( 5 Avenues for KH's Coaching ) More About Christian Coaching for Individuals and Organizations ( Ministries and Churches )

For more information contact:

Dr. Kenneth Hammonds, Success Coach, P.O. Box 2853 Inglewood, CA 90305-0853 Coaching Phone: 323-753-1366; FAX: 323-753-1303 E-mail: KH@KenHammonds.com 

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