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Coaching Quote: "A coach helps you to get planted in good soil and bring forth much fruit during the various seasons of your life so that you might prosper in the endeavors of your life."- KH

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Group Coaching Presentations

7 Scriptural Foundations for Success

The 7 Foundations Program is the foundational component of the Success System. The 7 Foundations are the pillars that provide the success mindset necessary for human achievement. (There is also a Workbook.)

The 12 Core Disciplines of Truly Successful People (12 CD)

A Christian Success System (the only fully Christian Success System) developed by KH. The themes are organized into 4 basic areas (called the Life Quadrant - Self, People, Time, Work/Career). I have presented group workshops in all four major areas and all 12 Core Disciplines. This system is used in the School of Success that I founded in 1994.

I have been presenting the 12 CD for years as weekly Group Rehab Sessions at the House of Uhuru (A substance abuse rehabilitation center in Los Angeles, California.) They describe these sessions as, "of great benefit to our staff and to our clients." They further describe the 12 CD program as "the best" success program ever offered at the facility. The client themselves have attributed great change in their lives through application of the 12 CD.

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12 CD Modules Personal Development Track

Overview of the 12 CD
Perfecting Personal Skills Module - Self Disciplines
Perfecting People Skills - People Disciplines
Perfecting Time Utilization Skills (Time Management) - Time Disciplines
Perfecting Professional Skills -Work/Career Disciplines
GPA - God’s Principles of Abundance
A Three Part Destiny 2000 Series > Part 1- Discovering Your Destiny; Part 2 - Fully Living Your Destiny (The Plan, Profit, Money, and Mission); Part 3 - Embracing Your Destiny with Joy
Becoming Powerfully Attractive (Christian Principles of Attraction)
How to be a Marrying Kinda’ Guy (For Single Men Only)
Personal Life Management: How Can I Do It All?
Living with Mission and Purpose
The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People - A Christian Critique (This critique of the 7 Habits was written by KH. It was reviewed and positively commented upon personally by Stephen Covey as, "thorough" and one that he "enjoyed very much".)


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Personal Assessments Programs

Personality Profiles (DISC Personality Assessments, Character & Temperament Types)
Personal Foundation Program
Clean Sweep Program
Try Values Program
NeedLess Program
Staff Excellence Program
New Business Program
Professional Practice Program
100 Steps to Recovery
Extreme Self-Care Program
EQ Test (Emotional Intelligence)
Add More . . .

Personal Coaching Techniques and Foci

Knowledge base of over 100 Effective Coaching Skills
        L1 Supporting; L2 Process; L3 Requesting; L4 Action
Abundance (Wealth) Mentality (rather than a merger, scare, insufficient, or small view of the resources in your life) Helping you to recognize, attract, and enjoy abundance.
Numerous Coaching Assessment Tools for Self Understanding and Growth
One-to-One Individual Coaching (weekly or biweekly 30 minute sessions)
Group Coaching
TeleClasses - Group telephone discussion/learning sessions
Quick Coaching (QC) Sessions: Personality Profile & Goal Clarification
Bridging the GAP
Life Transitions
Goal Achievement
Life Balancing
Developing Skills for Job Advancement
Developing a Personal Mission Statement
Individual Leadership Style Inventory
SDA - Single Action Daily (an advanced technique for high performers)

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Dr. Kenneth Hammonds, Success Coach, Coaching Links

KenHammonds.com - Home Page

My Calling to Transformational Coaching My Coaching Presentations & Techniques
The Scriptures & Coaching Applications Perfecting Leadership Success Program
How does coaching work and what does it cost? ( 5 Avenues for KH's Coaching ) More About Christian Coaching for Individuals and Organizations ( Ministries and Churches )

For more information contact:

Dr. Kenneth Hammonds, Success Coach, P.O. Box 2853 Inglewood, CA 90305-0853 Coaching Phone: 323-753-1366; FAX: 323-753-1303 E-mail: KH@KenHammonds.com

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